I have wanted to start a blog for some time now and, thanks to some friends, I just got up the nerve to make the move.
Why start a blog, you ask? Well, for one, I really wanted a creative outlet. Secondly (and more importantly) I am always running into ideas, questions, stories, etc. that I want to share or have questions about. So, I thought about how I could do this and I got the idea to create a blog.
The fact that I am interested in many different things made a topic for a blog difficult. So, My goal for this blog is to create a space for anything and everything unique, fabulous, obnoxious, or classy. Basically, if it strikes my fancy (or my disgust) it will end up here. I would invite all readers to follow and discuss… after all this is not just for me.
I truly hope to learn from writing this blog, and from listening to readers. If I post a topic, please let me know what you think.
While I encourage all participation, I do ask that everyone do so in a respectful way. As one of my professors once said: Just as a candle has a flame, we too each have a flame. And I believe that in order to communicate effectively we must express ourselves and protect our flame without blowing out the flame of others. If we can do this effectively, we will build a stronger light.