Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oh and of course... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Halloween is one of my many favorite holidays, so I am always interested in new ways to celebrate and new costume ideas. This year I was cotton candy. Here is a picture of my homemade costume:

This was made from a dress body shaper. I sewed batting on the body shaper, then spray painted everything pink and blue. It was very simple and got a lot of compliments! 

Picture from the party of finished costume:

What were you this year? What is your favorite Halloween tradition? Be sure to take my poll to the right -->

Talk to you later (Trick-or-Treaters are at my door :-)


  1. Oh my goodness no, Megan! Just a picture of a random one. I have not carved mine... probably won't at this point. :-)

  2. Oh I understand your skype message now! You should follow my blog. Just make a blogger account... click on "follow" under cast of characters --->

  3. Love the costume! I dressed up as Heidi, the Tool Time girl, from Home Improvement. It was by far the cheapest and most comfortable costume I have ever worn AND I used the tool belt as my purse so I didn't have to carry one! :)

  4. Rachael, welcome to my blog! Thank you for following and please participate often! :-) I LOVE that halloween costume. Very creative and simple. And the tool belt as a purse... genius! I did not think the purse part through and used the old girls to hold my key, blackberry, and two lip glosses. Not as convenient. :-(

  5. so i have been showing all of my friends in pittsburgh your dress. i really love it.

  6. Oh Why thank you! What were you for Halloween??
